Join the 'No Grass in the Clouds' Fantasy PL League
See if you can beat me! (You're probably gonna beat me)
Some good news, some bad news. First, the bad: I ended my week off by getting really sick. Like, really, really sick. I’ve barely left my bedroom, where I’m currently in preemptive quarantine after meeting with a medical professional yesterday. I won’t go into any more detail, but there’s not gonna be much content from me this week. I had a lot of fun Premier League preview stuff planned — both written and audio — but I’m just not physically capable of producing any of it right now. I’ll send out some brief predictions to premium subscribers later this week, but that’s likely gonna be it from me. Really hate to whiff on this week, but I plan on making it up to you guys as soon as I can.
Now, for the good: We’re doing a fantasy league. I’ve never played Fantasy Premier League before, but a bunch of you asked me to do one, so … we’re doing one. Here’s a reproduction of the invite email. Just follow the directions:
For the 2020/21 Fantasy Premier League why don't you join my mini-league "No Grass in the Clouds"?
Joining the league couldn't be easier. Simply use the link below and you'll be added automatically after you've entered the game.
League Code: x3yisw
Looking forward to playing against you this season!
If you’re unfamiliar with the game, check out the official rule rundown. Anyone is welcome to join. At the end of the season, the winner will get a free annual subscription to the newsletter. Morris Z, a beloved subscriber, set up the league and will serve as de facto commissioner. Shoutout to him. If you have any questions, send them to me, and I’ll … send them to him.
Enjoy the games this weekend, and obviously make sure you watch this: