Answered the first one a couple times already. I really wish the reporting and the rules on the registration/cap stuff was clearer; I can't give you a concrete answer unfortunately. They can afford a wage bill in the Aston Villa range, per the Athletic, so I think they still need to shed some salary to register all of the guys they've signed.
Answered the first one a couple times already. I really wish the reporting and the rules on the registration/cap stuff was clearer; I can't give you a concrete answer unfortunately. They can afford a wage bill in the Aston Villa range, per the Athletic, so I think they still need to shed some salary to register all of the guys they've signed.
Answered the first one a couple times already. I really wish the reporting and the rules on the registration/cap stuff was clearer; I can't give you a concrete answer unfortunately. They can afford a wage bill in the Aston Villa range, per the Athletic, so I think they still need to shed some salary to register all of the guys they've signed.